FCP-20BL Fiber Cutting Blade


Brand Name: FC-6S fiber cutter

Model name: FCP-20BL

Blade life: 36,000fibers

Fiber diameter: 125um

Specification1: 24 edge positions

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 Fiber Cleaver Blade FCP-20BL Cutting Wheel Fiber Cutting Blade / Cutting Blade


Model FC-6M FC-6M-C FC-6S FC-6S-C
Applicable Fiber Fiber diameter 125um
  Fiber count / size Single fiber (0.25 & 0.9mm) and up to 12-fiber ribbon Single fiber  (0.25 & 0.9mm)
Cleave length 10mm 9 ~16mm (0.25); 10~16mm (0.9 )
Typical cleave angle 0.5°
Dimensions / Weight 63(W) x 76(D) x 63(H)mm / 430g (FC-6M/FC-6S)
100(W) x 81(D) x 63(H)mm / 480g (FC-6M-C/FC-6S-C)
Blade life 36,000fibers (1,000fibers x 12 edge positions x 3-step edge height)
Option Adapter for single fiber : AP-FC6M
(Standard installation with the FC-6S/FC-6S-C)
Offcut collector : CU-FC6 
(Standard installation with the FC-6M-C/FC-6S-C)
Blade replacement : FCP-20BL

 Detailed Picture